/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #pragma once #include "YGMacros.h" #ifdef __cplusplus namespace facebook { namespace yoga { namespace enums { template constexpr int count(); // can't use `= delete` due to a defect in clang < 3.9 namespace detail { template constexpr int n() { return sizeof...(xs); } } // namespace detail } // namespace enums } // namespace yoga } // namespace facebook #endif #define YG_ENUM_DECL(NAME, ...) \ typedef YG_ENUM_BEGIN(NAME){__VA_ARGS__} YG_ENUM_END(NAME); \ WIN_EXPORT const char* NAME##ToString(NAME); #ifdef __cplusplus #define YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL(NAME, ...) \ YG_ENUM_DECL(NAME, __VA_ARGS__) \ YG_EXTERN_C_END \ namespace facebook { \ namespace yoga { \ namespace enums { \ template <> \ constexpr int count() { \ return detail::n<__VA_ARGS__>(); \ } \ } \ } \ } \ YG_EXTERN_C_BEGIN #else #define YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL YG_ENUM_DECL #endif YG_EXTERN_C_BEGIN YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL( YGAlign, YGAlignAuto, YGAlignFlexStart, YGAlignCenter, YGAlignFlexEnd, YGAlignStretch, YGAlignBaseline, YGAlignSpaceBetween, YGAlignSpaceAround); YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL(YGDimension, YGDimensionWidth, YGDimensionHeight) YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL( YGDirection, YGDirectionInherit, YGDirectionLTR, YGDirectionRTL) YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL(YGDisplay, YGDisplayFlex, YGDisplayNone) YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL( YGEdge, YGEdgeLeft, YGEdgeTop, YGEdgeRight, YGEdgeBottom, YGEdgeStart, YGEdgeEnd, YGEdgeHorizontal, YGEdgeVertical, YGEdgeAll) YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL(YGExperimentalFeature, YGExperimentalFeatureWebFlexBasis) YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL( YGFlexDirection, YGFlexDirectionColumn, YGFlexDirectionColumnReverse, YGFlexDirectionRow, YGFlexDirectionRowReverse) YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL( YGJustify, YGJustifyFlexStart, YGJustifyCenter, YGJustifyFlexEnd, YGJustifySpaceBetween, YGJustifySpaceAround, YGJustifySpaceEvenly) YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL( YGLogLevel, YGLogLevelError, YGLogLevelWarn, YGLogLevelInfo, YGLogLevelDebug, YGLogLevelVerbose, YGLogLevelFatal) YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL( YGMeasureMode, YGMeasureModeUndefined, YGMeasureModeExactly, YGMeasureModeAtMost) YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL(YGNodeType, YGNodeTypeDefault, YGNodeTypeText) YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL( YGOverflow, YGOverflowVisible, YGOverflowHidden, YGOverflowScroll) YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL( YGPositionType, YGPositionTypeStatic, YGPositionTypeRelative, YGPositionTypeAbsolute) YG_ENUM_DECL( YGPrintOptions, YGPrintOptionsLayout = 1, YGPrintOptionsStyle = 2, YGPrintOptionsChildren = 4) YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL( YGUnit, YGUnitUndefined, YGUnitPoint, YGUnitPercent, YGUnitAuto) YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL(YGWrap, YGWrapNoWrap, YGWrapWrap, YGWrapWrapReverse) YG_EXTERN_C_END #undef YG_ENUM_DECL #undef YG_ENUM_SEQ_DECL